Nov 15, 2023

Jim McCabe's front 9 musings . . .

1 – Concession to the chill

Rather than compete with the elements and waffle constantly, let’s just go ahead and announce that I’m officially on morning frost delay every day until April 1. We’ll wait till 10:30 to start the day.

2 – Provide them warmth

Speaking of the cold, if your clubs are still in your car trunk, that’s a two-shot penalty.

3 – If you know, you know

It saddens me to know there are perhaps two generations of young golfers who’ve never heard the intoxicating sound of metal spikes on pavement.

4 – Makers of Sound Machines take my advice

Hey, I’ll even take it this far. You know those bedside contraptions that play waves crashing, birds humming, or rain falling? Well there needs to be an option for golf shoes with metal spikes on pavement.

5 – Friendly advice

Someone has to tell you, my friend, so here goes: Time to re-grip your clubs.

6 – No longer pretty, eh?

You’re not liking that foliage very much now that it continues to hide your golf balls, are you?

7 – Put the turkey aside

Golf at Thanksgiving – either on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday – is mandatory. We’re talking playing, not watching.

8 – Find another voice

Were we to engage in a conversation about topics that have been pretty much exhausted and deserve a moratorium, may I suggest Davis Love’s thoughts on the Ryder Cup, LIV Golf, and anything golf-related. Let’s move on.

9 – Just re-inventing the wheel

So if you are up to speed (pun intended) and know that Netflix Cup is upon us (F1 drivers join forces with PGA Tour players in a team competition), one thought and one thought only should come to you. Fred Corcoran was a man way ahead of his time.